Building a Website

Building a website for your art is a crucial step in establishing your online presence and showcasing your work to a broader audience. Whether you're a visual artist, photographer, designer, or any other creative professional, having a well-designed and functional website can help you attract potential clients, collaborators, and fans. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build a website for your art:


  • Before you start building your website, clarify your goals. Do you want to sell your artwork, showcase your portfolio, or attract commissions? Understanding your objectives will help you design your website accordingly.
  • Identify your target audience. Are you targeting art collectors, potential clients, or fellow artists? Tailor your website content and design to appeal to your intended audience.


  • Select a website building platform that suits your needs and technical skills. Options include WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Shopify (ideal for e-commerce–this is the platform Curina uses), or a custom-built website.
  • Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, pricing, and scalability when choosing a platform.


  • Choose a domain name that reflects your brand or art style. Keep it simple, memorable, and relevant to your work.
  • Domain registrars such as GoDaddy have tools to help you search for your preferred domain and find alternatives, and then register the one you choose.


    • Select a visually appealing and user-friendly design theme/template that complements your artwork.
    • Customize the design to match your branding, using your logo, color scheme, and fonts.
    • Organize your artwork into categories or galleries for easy navigation.
    • Optimize your website for mobile devices to ensure a seamless browsing experience for users on smartphones and tablets. Note that most platforms and templates will help you do this nearly automatically.
    • If you’d like to be in regular contact with fans of your work, consider adding a newsletter signup form so you can collect a list of email addresses to share updates with.


      • Write an engaging artist statement or bio that introduces yourself and your artistic vision.
      • Write descriptive captions or artist statements for each artwork, providing context and insight into your creative process.
      • Include high-quality images of your artwork, preferably taken from different angles and in various lighting conditions.
      • Consider adding a blog section to share your artistic journey, behind-the-scenes stories, and upcoming projects.


        • Home Page: Introduce visitors to your website and highlight your latest work or featured pieces.
        • Portfolio/Gallery Pages: Showcase your artwork organized into categories or themes.
        • About Page: Share your story, background, artistic influences, and achievements.
        • Contact Page: Provide multiple ways for visitors to get in touch with you, such as a contact form, email address, and social media links.
          • Especially if you’re an active user, social media links should also be in the footer of your website, so they’re visible on every page.
          • Terms of Service: Clearly outline the terms and conditions governing the use of your website, including copyright policies, usage rights, and any disclaimers.
            • Curina artists can access a template Terms of Service in the Artists' Area.

              ARTISTS' AREA
              • Privacy Policy: Inform visitors about how you collect, use, and protect their personal information, in compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Note that this is especially important if you’re targeting European visitors.
                • Curina artists can access a template Privacy Policy in the Artists' Area.

                  ARTISTS' AREA
              • Copyright Notice: Assert your intellectual property rights and specify how visitors can request permission to use your artwork.
                • Curina artists can access a template Copyright Notice in the Artists' Area.

                  ARTISTS' AREA

              OPTIMIZE FOR SEO

                • Use relevant keywords in your website content, meta tags, and image alt texts to improve your visibility in search engine results.
                • Optimize your website speed, structure, and navigation to enhance user experience and search engine rankings.
                  • Your platform should do most of this automatically, but be sure to use the smallest necessary image size to help with speed. Wherever possible, use JPG or WEBP files rather than PNG and GIF.
                • Be sure to include alt text for every photo, as this helps both accessibility and SEO
                • Register for and use Google Search Console to see how your website appears on Google and check for any issues.


                  • Test your website thoroughly to check for any bugs, broken links, or usability issues.
                  • Solicit feedback from friends, family, or fellow artists to identify areas for improvement.
                  • Once you're satisfied with the design and functionality, launch your website and announce it to your network through social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels.


                    • Regularly update your portfolio with new artwork and remove any outdated or sold pieces.
                    • Keep your content fresh by adding blog posts, event announcements, or news updates.
                    • Monitor your website performance using analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track visitor behavior and identify opportunities for optimization.

                    By following these steps and incorporating essential components like terms of service, copyright policies, and privacy policies, you can create a professional and effective website to showcase your art and attract potential clients and admirers.

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