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Posted: 11/11/2020
When The World Is Too Uncertain To Commit To A Couch, Rent One InsteadArtnet
Posted: 07/10/2022
Nervous About Buying Art Online? You Can Rent It Instead. Here’s What It Costs and How It WorksNews Picks: My First Dollar
Posted: 12/20/2024
[Perseverance] I will definitely make a profit from my artWWD
Posted: 2/10/2020
New female-led start-up, Curina, aims to disrupt the traditional art market and make art affordable and accessibl for the Millennial consumerHouse Beautiful
Posted: 1/30/2020
This Startup Lets You Rent Original Artwork to Hang in Your HomeStory Exchange
Posted: 3/3/2020
Rent the Runway … For Art? This Female Founder Is Banking on Millennials’ Curated TastesBushwick Daily
Posted: 4/28/2020
Helping COVID-19 Frontline Workers Through ArtPRTimes
Posted: 3/30/2021
NY発現代アートのレンタルサブスクサービス「Curina」がシードラウンドで8000万円を調達。会員の半数以上が“人生初のアートレンタル/購入”。次世代のアート市場開拓を目指し米全土へエリア拡大開始。TechCrunch Japan
Posted: 3/30/2021
Posted: 9/9/2019
【NY発】私が「アート」で起業した理由Diamond Signal
Posted: 3/30/2021
月額約4000円の定額で現代アートをレンタル──NY拠点の「Curina」が8000万円を調達Forbes Japan
Posted: 4/2/2021