Under Ice - curina
Under Ice - curina
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    Cavier Coleman

    Under Ice

    Original Artwork

    Dimensions: Height 24 in x Width 24 in.

    Medium: Acrylic latex, ink, palo santo, oil, spray paint on canvas

    $148 /mo
    Purchase: $4,500

    The work comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist.

    We offer $50 shipping in the continental U.S. and $20 installation service in the NYC metro area. Return shipping is also $50, but waived if you rent for 6 months or longer. Just shoot us an email and we'll help you safely return the artworks.

    Your monthly rental payments accumulate and get deducted from the purchase price if you decide to buy the work.

    Cavier Coleman

    Cavier Coleman

    Works in Brooklyn, NY

    Cavier works in oil paint, music, installations, photography, and graphic design, using high contrast bold lines and vibrant color schemes. His love of the arts kicked off during his international modeling career, where he took an interest in photography. Soon, bright colors and boldness began to envelop clever commentary hidden within the saturated layers. His influences are Pablo Picasso and Jean Michael Basquiat, but his art it always uniquely “Cavier”. This originality has led him to be involved in projects such as magazine covers, galleries showcases, ad campaigns, art shows, store displays, and more. Always innovating, he continues towards his goal of becoming a household name.

    Inside the artist’s studio & life

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    "A risk-free way to enjoy artwork and make your life at home richer"

    "Curina disrupts the traditional art market and makes art affordable and accessible for the Millennial consumer"

    "Affordable and accessible way to hang art"
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