The artwork distorsione-di-tetto, by Jacqueline Ferrante
A photo of the artwork distorsione-di-tetto, by Jacqueline Ferrante, hanging on a wall.
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    Jacqueline Ferrante


    Original Artwork

    Dimensions: Height 56 in. x Width 43 in.

    Medium: Coffee, mineral earth pigment and dye cochineal on linen


    This work is oversized, and only shippable to New York. If you order this work, there will be a $100 flat fee for handling.

    The work comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist.

    We offer $50 shipping in the continental U.S. and $20 installation service in the NYC metro area. Return shipping is also $50, but waived if you rent for 6 months or longer. Just shoot us an email and we'll help you safely return the artworks.

    Your monthly rental payments accumulate and get deducted from the purchase price if you decide to buy the work.

    Jacqueline Ferrante

    Jacqueline Ferrante

    Born in Long Island, NY / Works in Brooklyn

    Jacqueline Ferrante is a painter based in New York and Italy. She was raised in Long Island, NY, and earned her Bachelor's degree in Art and Theater from Northeastern University. Her work has been exhibited throughout the United States and Europe. She has completed residencies in New York, Ireland, and Italy.

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    Inside the artist’s studio & life

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