The natural world, with its intricate patterns and ever-evolving forms, is a constant source of inspiration. Through the interplay of materials and techniques, I explore the interconnectedness of all things, from the microscopic to the cosmic. By layering and excavating various media, such as oil paint, wax, acrylic, ink, and paper, I create abstracted compositions that evoke the vastness of the universe, the delicate balance of ecosystems, and the enduring wonder of nature. The materials themselves are collaborators, their inherent properties guiding my process and contributing to the emergent imagery. Drawn into a subconscious dialogue with the materials, I allow them to influence the direction of the piece and reveal the hidden meanings that lie within.
The natural world, with its intricate patterns and ever-evolving forms, is a constant source of inspiration. Through the interplay of materials and techniques, I explore the interconnectedness of all things, from the microscopic to the cosmic. By layering and excavating various media, such as oil paint, wax, acrylic, ink, and paper, I create abstracted compositions that evoke the vastness of the universe, the delicate balance of ecosystems, and the enduring wonder of nature. The materials themselves are collaborators, their inherent properties guiding my process and contributing to the emergent imagery. Drawn into a subconscious dialogue with the materials, I allow them to influence the direction of the piece and reveal the hidden meanings that lie within.
--Cynthia Sumner