Darren Singer

Darren Singer

Born in New York / Works in Brooklyn, New York
Darren Singer is a Fine Artist & Photographer based in Brooklyn. He is most known for his exploration of spaces both interior and exterior. His use of skewed and distorted perspectives and exuberant color revitalize the seemingly insignificant. His lyrical juxtapositions of both color and texture create an inner resonance in the viewer that forces them to stay with the work. “Nostalgic”, “Meditative” and "Internal" are the feelings often experienced when engaging with his work. When not painting he can be found composing music, or creating spaces and opportunities for other artists.
Much of the imagery is symbolic in nature, a metaphor for inner states of being, at times feeling the destruction that precedes any act of creation. The language I employ is raw, bold, and direct, and the leit motifs that appear and reappear throughout the series reinforce a narrative of strength and perseverance and growth through conscious effort and pain. The work serves as a medium for growth and self awareness of both the artist and viewer, completing the circuit of creative endeavor. The viewer is an integral part of the creative process bringing their experiences to the work.
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