Eun Young Yun

Eun Young Yun

Born in South Korea / Works in New Jersey
Eunyoung Yun is a Korean-American artist living and working in Palisades Park, New Jersey. She was born in Busan, Korea. She received her BFA from Kyung Sung University in Busan, Korea in 1991, and studied figurative oil painting at the National Academy of New York for 4 years from 2008 to 2013. She has since held more than 35 group exhibitions and 5 times solo exhibitions in New Jersey, New York and Korea.
For me, painting is the process of relaxation and healing from tension, and finding my identity as an Korean American artist. I try to share that relaxing and healing emotion though my work by colors and quilt-like patterns, which are driven from my childhood memory. Whenever my mother made a blanket with a quilt pattern, I laid on it and played for a while. That felt so comfortable and happy, made me fell asleep. The quilt pattern she used is called seackdong, a traditional Korean pattern composed of five colors. It means give energy, cure and energetic life. My medium is oil paint because it’s the best to express those soft warm feelings. I’m hoping to share my feelings with others and, at the same time, get a self-realization to influence more people positively through my work.
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