Johanna Ryan

Johanna Ryan

Works in Brooklyn, NY
What if we saw nature not as distinguishable things like trees, mountains, and soil, but as a cloud of influences that surround us? Harkening back to her memories growing up in nature and a personal interest in Ecofeminism, Johanna's method of printmaking is in itself a dialogue with nature. In cyanotypes, the intentional outlines of base drawings intermingle with spontaneous factors like the angle, brightness, and hue of sunlight - even the canvas it is printed on is candidly frayed at the edges. In her other prints also, watercolor-like effects make even the ground appear buoyant.
You'll like Johanna if: you had a favorite tree growing up that you made sure to hug everyday.
"My process is a way for me to create new experiences with nature and the results are always surprising. Memories are the foundation of my imagery – memories of my childhood in Minnesota’s wetlands, of cherished camping trips, of glimpses of nature as I walk through Brooklyn. By working through memory, exploring the times I have experienced the natural world, I am also reflecting on how the vast majority of my life is disconnected from these experiences. Most of my life is spent in one of the largest cities in the world, surrounded by human-made environments. This disconnect has become even more apparent during this pandemic. There is a sense of loss, but my process is always my touchpoint to hope."
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