Ken Schiano

Ken Schiano

Born in Brooklyn, NY / Works in Maryland
Ken lives and works on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Born in Brooklyn 1947, Ken graduated from The Cooper Union (NYC) with a degree in Architecture. As an Assistant Professor, he previously taught studio art and architectural design at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY and at IIT, Chicago, IL. Before turning to painting his architectural practice spanned 2+ decades and in various locales.
If I had to define an overarching motive central to my practice, it would be this: Where are the bounds between Discipline and Surrender? And yes, this has a spiritual as well as material dimension. My work is uncompromisingly abstract, and despite external sources, my subject matter is derived solely from the act of painting. Beginning with powdered pigment, I mix my own colors and make the media and tools I use from scratch --watercolor, pastel, a cold wax medium, etc., matching them to the shape and strength of my hand. While it is not a conscious intent to extend the creative practice to include the actual manufacture of the material used, it’s logical that I would be interested in their genesis and my paintings integrate such knowledge in the pursuit of unmediated visual pleasure. I tend to work in series (Little Demons, Nuovi Paesaggi, Birds of Paradise , etc), and keep any imposed constraints to a Haiku simplicity, hopefully allowing the interaction between material and support maximal expression.
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