Lisa Ingram

Lisa Ingram

Born in Virginia / Works in New York, NY
Lisa Ingram is an abstract oil painter who lives and works in Manhattan. She received her BFA from Parsons School of Design in New York. Earlier, she also trained at Instituto Lorenzo De' Medici in Florence, Italy. Originally from Virginia, her paintings have an organic quality of nature and water. As a youth, Ingram was a competitive springboard diver, and the elements of water resonate throughout most series of her works. This athletic discipline in her youth has helped her to maintain self-discipline and drive throughout her artistic practice.
The process of my work begins with a concept from a personal experience, but it is ultimately, a relatable human experience. I begin with a few basic compositional decisions, then allow the artwork to evolve as I respond to color, shape, and movement in the paint. In each artwork, I add some type of random new element to keep the authenticity of resolving the unplanned and unexpected. This is a metaphor for the unexpected issues we all encounter, must resolve, and ultimately weave into our life's path. In paint, I strive to resolve the unexpected with innovation and playfulness. I paint because I love it, but my hope is that my work can bring a moment of connection and inspiration. Oil paint is such a lush substance, and our daily environments have so few hand-made objects. I believe it is possible for paintings to offer a source of nourishment to the viewer.
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