Rachel Kohn

Rachel Kohn

Born in Brooklyn, NY / Works in Brooklyn, NY
Rachel Kohn lives and works in Brooklyn, N.Y. She received her B.A. from Skidmore College in art and mathematics, and her M.F.A. from Hunter College in painting. She has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally in galleries including Crossing Art Gallery, NY, Denise Bibro Fine Art, N.Y., Lake George Arts Projects, Lake George, NY, Tarryn Teresa Gallery, LA, and GV Art Gallery, London.
My work is inspired by patterns found in nature. In my studio practice I work with several mediums including painting, drawing, fiber art, and ceramics. When creating my paintings I have a complex system of layering paints, dyes, inks, and resists that creates light and depth on each surface. I am interested in the dualities of growth and decay, and finding beauty in this process.
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