I set out on this path with an unfolding understanding that what I need, and what
the world seems to thirst for is consistency and quietude. My paintings are like
loadstones which orient towards what has staying power. I essentially married
myself to a mode of working. I do not make random choices, however. Informed
by history, rooted in the craft of traditional glaze layers and inspired by vast and
colorful inner and outer landscapes, when brush hits canvas I let go. I work with
the tension of knowing that freedom is possible within the laws of gravity, color
and compositional structures.
I set out on this path with an unfolding understanding that what I need, and what
the world seems to thirst for is consistency and quietude. My paintings are like
loadstones which orient towards what has staying power. I essentially married
myself to a mode of working. I do not make random choices, however. Informed
by history, rooted in the craft of traditional glaze layers and inspired by vast and
colorful inner and outer landscapes, when brush hits canvas I let go. I work with
the tension of knowing that freedom is possible within the laws of gravity, color
and compositional structures.
--Willy Bo Richardson